16 ways to say sweetheart in other languages

Calling your number one squeeze “babe” and “honey” will only get you so far. Pour a little international sugar on your lovebug with these 16 ways to say sweetheart in other languages.

How to say sweetheart in Irish

IRISH: A chuisle mo chroí (pulse of my heart)

Lub-dub. Lub-dub. If your loved one gets your blood racing and your heart pumping, try on this Irish phrase for size.

How to say darling in GreekGREEK: ματάκια μου [“matakia mou”] (my little eyes)

When they peer up (or down) at you with those shiny peepers of theirs, do you just melt? So do the Greeks.

How to say sweetheart in SwedishSWEDISH: Sötnos (sweet nose)

I’ve nibbled an earlobe or two in my day, and I’m particularly fond of my sweetheart’s splendid collarbones. But if you’re all about the schnoz of your suitor, this Swedish term of endearment is just for you.

How to say sweetheart in Arabic

ARABIC: عيون غزال [“ywn ghzal”] (eyes of a gazelle)

They also go in for eyeballs in the Arabic language, especially big doe-y ones reminiscent of savanna-dwelling ungulates.

How to say sweetheart in German

GERMAN: Mausbär (mouse-bear)

Are they big and hairy or are they small and soft? Do they eat up everything in the fridge or are they dainty about their munchies?

We’re not sure if they’re talking about a bear the size of a mouse or vice versa, but this compound German pet name is perfect for your paradoxically delightful darling.

How to say sweetheart in French

FRENCH: Ma puce (my flea)

Does your love leave you, um, itchy? Maybe they can jump around 150 times the length of their own body? You just might be French at heart. And you might want to get that checked, too.

How to say sweetheart in Hungarian

HUNGARIAN: Bogárkám (my little bug)

To continue the beloved creepy-crawly theme, enamoured Hungarians liken their sweethearts to little bugs. Adorable. Don’t call pest control.

How to say sweetheart in Persian

PERSIAN: Moosh bokhoradet (may a mouse eat you)

Don’t get a Persian together with a Hungarian, or your beloved little bug may end up a feast for a hungry rodent.

How to say sweetheart in Flemish

FLEMISH: Mijn Bolleke (my little round thing)

Better than a little pointy thing, I suppose. Maybe you can use your love to play marbles.

How to say sweetheart in Tibetan

TIBETAN: Nyingdu-la (most honoured poison of my heart)

Things can get real profound, real fast for lovers in Tibet.

Presumably spending some time with your true love will help you build up an immunity over time? That’s pretty weird, and so is this phrase.

How to say sweetheart in Japanese

JAPANESE: Tamago gata no kao (egg with eyes)

Are said eyes on the outside of the shell? Or are they located somewhere in the albumen? No need to overthink it – this is a purely metaphorical discussion. Either way, this is an egg-cellent way to address your true love.

How to say sweetheart in Chinese

CHINESE: 沉鱼落雁 [“chényú luòyàn”] (diving fish, swooping geese)

The internet tells me this comes from an old Chinese folk tale. If your love is beautifully ineffable, you might try the fish/geese combo on for size.

How to say sweetheart in Danish

DANISH: Min guldklump (my gold nugget)

Does your love make you feel like a million bucks? Or perhaps you are quite literally in love with a lump of gold? I’d recommend cuddling with a flesh-and-blood person over a precious metal – but to each their own (and this pet name works for both!).

How to say darling in German

GERMAN: Schnuckiputzi (cute-sweet)

Go on, try to say it without snickering. Schnuckiputzi. D’awww.

If you’re looking for a way to tell your sweetheart you think they’re dreamy, we’ve got something that just might woo them. Take a look at our Book of Romance for your boo.

The Book of Everyone - the best gift for your sweetheart in any language

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