5 tips to make the best birthday video ever

The appearance of a camera has a tendency to divide humans into peacocks and hedgehogs.  

The peacocks come to life with dazzling brilliance, filling the screen with dance, song, and hilarious anecdotes. The hedgehogs lower their gaze and curl up into a ball.

Birthday video - Peacock

A good birthday video using The Video of Everyone is about a collective show of love for that special person – so the key is to ensure everyone comes to the party – the peacocks and the hedgehogs. Besides, quite often you’ll find hedgehogs, when tickled in the right places, are incredibly funny (often without knowing it) or surprisingly poignant. So we’ve created a few tips below to get the most out of everyone.

Birthday video tip - Hedgehog

Before you start, ask yourself:

What is the particularly amazing thing about the recipient? And more importantly, how can you celebrate it in their videos?  

Here are 5 birthday video ideas to get the most out of your fellow collaborators and create a truly unforgettable birthday video celebration.

1. Get them to answer a simple question about the person

Birthday video tip 1: A simple question

A blank sheet of paper is difficult, so steer them in the right direction…

  • What makes Lee such a legend? 
  • What’s your favourite memory of Miles? 
  • What’s your favourite story involving Simon? 
  • What do you admire most about Mary? 
  • How’s your life been impacted by Paul?

Tip for the camera-shy: say it from the heart. A few heartfelt words will mean much more than a rambling story.

2. Keep it short

Birthday video idea 2: Keep it short

When it comes to birthday videos, succinct is best (especially when old Uncle Joe has a tendency to talk until the cows come home). 

  • You have 1 word to describe Kevin, use it wisely. Watch this.
  • What movie best describes Molly?
  • What songs remind you of Simon?

Tip for the camera-shy: write it on a piece of card and hold it up.

3. Dress-up

Birthday video tip 3: Dress up

Hide behind that bushy moustache, Venetian mask, or silly wig. Any prop will add colour and humour to your video.

Tip for the camera-shy: go for a medieval suit of armour.

4. Turn it upside down

Birthday video tip 4: Upside down

All you need a pen, mouth, and chin. No eyes are necessary. Watch this.

Tip for the camera-shy: add a social media filter to disguise yourself further! 

5. Karaoke it

Birthday video tip 5: Karaoke

There’s nothing like a song to lift the spirits and make someone’s day really special.  Sing a song between you by giving everyone a verse or chorus. Stevie Wonder’s ‘Happy  Birthday’ or the Beatles ‘we love you yeah yeah yeah’, are winners every time.

Tip for camera-shy (or tone-deaf like me): Don’t sing, mime those lyrics!

Having a fun theme helps. So does getting tons of people to take part. But, above all, it’s about putting in a little effort and a whole lot of love to surprise those special people in your life.

Start a birthday video celebration here.

You’ll find more tips on planning a successful birthday video celebration here.

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