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Maggie Preshlenova

9 Posts Back Home

A humble hero of our time

Who would you consider a hero? Hercules? Robin Hood? Mother Teresa? Batman? Beyoncé? All of the above? Heroes can be different things to different people, and the definition changes with the times. Whereas in ancient times heroes were mighty warriors who performed unbelievable feats of bravery, today’s more civilised society…

Memorable Gifts For Everyone

The best gifts have no expiration date. Rather, they remain as a beautiful memory. Everyone has one favourite gift that they always think of and talk about with particular fondness. Mine? A vintage copy of A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway. I had mentioned it to my mum matter-of-factly during…

6 Amazing Things Women Have Done (While Pregnant)

International Women’s Day is upon us. In the spirit of this special date, we’ve reflected on the amazing feats that strong independent females have accomplished. While pregnant. Read on to find out about all about these fantastic women.   Win big in sport Sports are tough. I once tried to…
