If you are reading this in the Northern Hemisphere, best of luck. January is the coldest month on this side of the world, the most depressing one, and the one with the most divorces and separations. What a bummer! While the embers of Christmas and New Year might still linger…
Fascinating Facts you didn’t know about December
All of a sudden December is here and, just like that, we’re nearing the end of another year. Time really does fly when you’re having fun! For most people December is dedicated to eating, drinking, and being merry. It’s a month of parties and presents, meals and mulled wine, and…
Fascinating facts you didn’t know about November
If you live in the Northern Hemisphere then November means adding a big coat, and a woolly scarf to your daily wardrobe. Summer’s warmth has been replaced by a refreshingly crisp chill and the tougher months of winter haven’t yet arrived to make every trip outside feel like an expedition.…
Fascinating Facts You Didn’t know About September
Like everything else this year, September has been tough to plan. The kids may or may not be back to school, their pencil cases brimming with new pencils, pens and spare facemasks. And it’s hardly business as usual for the rest of us. But we’ll adapt and find a way…
Fascinating Facts You Didn’t know About August
If you’re stuck inside and have the air-con turned right up and the temperature right down, sit back and discover the secrets behind the name ‘August,’ events to look out for and an interesting incident that happened a little while back. August also means that Leos and Virgos will have…
Fascinating Facts You Didn’t Know About July
July. The time of the year when getting to work leaves me looking like a lobster having a bad hair day. Whether it’s the sticky train or bus ride, the packed car pool or the bicycle, the heat just doesn’t seem to get away. But if you’re struggling with the…