
Boost your immunity in lockdown

I hope you are all keeping both safe and finding ways to break free from the Groundhog Day of lockdown.  This week we cover why slowing down is good for you, the perils of forwarding WhatsApp videos and how laughter boosts your immune system.  My wife turned 39 last week.…

A humble hero of our time

Who would you consider a hero? Hercules? Robin Hood? Mother Teresa? Batman? Beyoncé? All of the above? Heroes can be different things to different people, and the definition changes with the times. Whereas in ancient times heroes were mighty warriors who performed unbelievable feats of bravery, today’s more civilised society…

The struggle for a day for dads

All over the world, people have a unique and special relationship with their old man. Some good, some not so much, but unique all in their own way. Reflective about the fact that Father’s Day is here in Australia, it got me pondering about the history of a day dedicated…

Who likes birthdays, anyway?

I don’t want to go too Grinch on you, but I have a confession. I don’t like birthdays. I’ve never had a birthday party – at least, as far as I remember. I couldn’t tell you what I did for the last ten birthdays. I don’t make the date public…
