July! July! It never seemed so strange.
We’ve done our very best to keep cool this month while still taking advantage of all the summer fun that having your office in Barcelona offers. That meant putting up with a little sunshine in exchange for seafood paella on the terrace and beers on the beach. It’s been rough.
In between all that, we’ve managed to pull off some pretty neat projects this month. A big post-Father’s Day push from the Customer Happiness guys had us all scribbling over 100 Thank-You postcards, which we sent out to customers who left us extra-kind comments on Facebook and Trustpilot. They’re the reason we keep doing what we’re doing, after all – so it felt great to send out our gratitude (and doodles) in the mail.
Speaking of doodles, our famous dog video has been doing so well as a Facebook ad that we got artist Matt Abbiss to do a follow-up, featuring the exact same creature. This time, he poops somewhere new – watch the video to find out where!
Writer Ben Hardy took a jaunt out to Jimmy’s Festival on an invitation from the kind folks at Autism Anglia. Read all about the only-somewhat-drizzly weekend in his article.
We also fussed with our printers, experimenting with what would happen if we fulfilled all of our orders in the UK (instead of splitting them between the UK and US). The goal was, of course, to reduce shipping times for everybody… but it didn’t work out that way. Turns out the postal service is gloriously complicated! We’ve reverted back to printing in both countries for now to ensure everyone’s book shows up on time.
The tech team has been hard at work on reverse engineering our Wise Words book. I’m told there’s slick new code that will allow us to scale more efficiently in the future. That sounds like a good thing. The designers are also putting together all-new themes for this book, of which we’ll be offering sneak peeks over the course of August… stay tuned (and stay cool)!