Meeting Dads Through The Decades

No two dads are exactly alike.

Your memories of them – the clothes they wore, the hairstyles they had, the music you both listened to, and the toys they bought you – are partly a product of the era you grew up in.

We got to thinking that it would be fascinating to ask people for their memories of their dad depending on the decade they grew up in. We wanted to hear all of the individual stories and to see if there were things that cropped up within each era that typified that decade’s Dad.

So began our Dads Through The Decades project. We asked you to share your memories of your Dad in the decade of your youth. And you replied with a boatload of brilliant memories. Take a look at the responses to each decade here:

More often than not your memories included references to hairstyles your dads had rocked and to TV catch phrases and lines from films they’d quoted. We picked out our favourites of both and put you to the test to see if you could name the show or film. Take a look here and see how you’d fare:

All of these stories (combined with a few of our own) inspired our truly brilliant designers to create some fantastic paper doll illustrations of ‘Dad’ stretching back from the ‘00s to the ‘50s – just in time for Father’s Day.

And now you can meet the final Dads Through The Decades collection:

Dads Through The Decades: it’s been a pleasure!

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