When work is NSFW

Most of us spend the majority of our waking hours at work. We’re all part of a weird little family, full of different personalities, questionable quirks, and all with a preference as to how we take our tea (mine’s a splash of milk and no sugar).

So, what happens when a massive spanner is thrown in the works and something unexpected catches us off guard?

Our Customer Happiness team is known for keeping a cool head in all situations and will always go the extra mile to make sure things go to plan. But of course, there are some instances where they have been quite literally lost for words.

We’ve gathered some of their most NSFW stories that they have experienced since working at The Book Of Everyone. These are not for the faint hearted, so if you’re easily offended stop reading. Now. Stop it. I’m warning you. Stop.

Shaking off and breaking off

This is a story directly from the horse’s mouth. Before I was writing for The Book of Everyone, I was one of the trusty Customer Happiness Crew working alongside the champions who, if you’ve read the other recent blog pieces, you’ll have an idea about. 

We like to think that being a little bit cheeky can be highly beneficial especially when talking to customers. We always try to make sure that people feel comfortable and that they can ask us just about anything. One day, I received an email from a lady in distress who wanted to cancel an order. She’d bought one of our books for her boyfriend but they’d unfortunately broken up, meaning the book was no longer needed.

Naturally, the order was cancelled straight away and she was assured that no unwanted book would be sent out. Thinking that was the end of the case, I wished her all the best and gave her the ‘plenty more fish in the sea’ speech.

At this point, said newly single lady seemed to grow very interested in me, so much so that she started messaging in more and more to get in touch with me and ask very personal questions about my life. The days went by, but the messages didn’t stop. More endearing messages, more messages of flattery, I didn’t know what to do with myself.

Eventually, after growing increasingly concerned about how to best deal with this situation in a professional manner, I asked for the advice of my manager, JP. I told him exactly what was happening and that I didn’t want to break anybody’s heart. JP, the cool calm and collected boss figure, suggested I said ‘I’m sorry but I’m moving to another department and I won’t be able to respond ever again.’ The response I got wasn’t one of heartbreak, but more one of disappointment.

‘Okay Joe. I get it.’ Ouch, but sorry!

“Enthusiastic” commenters

We absolutely love it when people interact with our social posts. Recently, we’ve had a couple where we’ve encouraged people to use our Avatar feature, where people can write messages, quotes or stories and share them with their loved ones. These have ranged from people adding their favourite film quotes, their favourite Valentine’s songs and more.

The recent movie quotes post in particular got a lot of people commenting, which meant replying to a mountainous amount of comments, which took much longer than anticipated. We at The Book of Everyone are human and need our sleep, so when someone commented at the dead of night we were all tucked up in bed and couldn’t reply.

Unfortunately, in the virtual Facebook community, time is non-existent. With this in mind, one impatient commenter wrote his quote, waited 10 minutes. Commented again. Waited another couple of minutes. Then after he’d had enough, he started spurting profanities: “Where is my f******* shareable you s****!”

He was dealt with promptly first thing in the morning, don’t you worry. In fact, he really liked his shareable – silver linings and all that.

The Book of Everyone is a business (not quite like any other), but like every other company there’s always tedious administrative tasks to deal with, but we also get a lot of entertainment from unexpected and NSFW situations. We wouldn’t be able to deal with any of these strange occurrences without the help of our cool headed Customer Happiness Team.

So, let’s give them a huge round of applause.

Leave your story in the comments below if you’ve got a NSFW one to share!

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